Thursday, 18 September 2008

conferencias e congressos Psicologia - Outubro 2008

» Conferências

ICCNS 2008 : International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Sciences
Data: 01.10.2008
Local: Venice, ITALY

XIII Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos
Data: 02.10.2008
Local: Campus de Gualtar - Braga

1st Biennial Conference - The International Association for the Study of Attachment (IASA)
Data: 05.10.2008
Local: Centro Congressi di Bertinoro (Italia)

Narratives about Postdivorce Family life by Preschool children and their mothers: Do they reflect the quality of observed relationships?
Data: 10.10.2008
Local: Lisboa

The 16th International Conference on Eating Disorders
Data: 16.10.2008
Local: Alpbach, Tyrol, AUSTRIA

Social Power and Within-Group Variability: The Mediating roles of disinhibition and pressure to conform
Data: 17.10.2008
Local: Lisboa)

Cuidados Continuados:Realidade ou Utopia?
Data: 17.10.2008
Local: Auditório do Hospital do Divino Espirito Santo- Ponta Delgada

Alone again, naturally»: A quarter-century program of research on social withdrawal
Data: 24.10.2008
Local: Lisboa

» Congressos

CONEAS - Congresso Nacional dos Estudantes da Área de Saúde
Data: 09.10.2008
Local: Guarapari-ES - BRASIL

18th International Congress of the International Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine
Data: 10.10.2008
Local: Heidelberg, GERMANY

5th World Congress for Psychotherapy
Data: 12.10.2008
Local: Beijing, CHINA

BITs Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology
Data: 18.10.2008
Local: Beijing, CHINA

» Seminários

Atraso mental em Portugal: a perspectiva de 12 anos de estudo da síndrome do X-frágil
Data: 30.10.2008
Local: Auditório do INSA, Lisboa

» Simpósio

Simpósio de Reabilitação - Sexualidade na Deficiência: Falar de Sexo Sem Tabus
Data: 17.10.2008
Local: Fórum da Maia

» Outros
Data: 20.10.2008
Local: FMUP

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